Some helpful information about Fees and Accounts.

Piggy bank

More on a specific point, reiterating a policy, and capturing some of the learning that we have acquired over the years!

Updated 31st May 2023


A swap is an attendance in replacement for a missed attendance.

We will seek to accommodate you in making swaps should they become necessary. There are some rules that we apply to these...

  • Swaps are permitted at Small World's absolute discretion and must be agreed specifically as a swap in advance

  • Swaps may only be made from one week into the next week or back from the following week (or within the same week)

  • A charge will be made for each swap at the rate in force at the time

  • In requesting a swap, please ensure that you explicitly request a swap. Any other terminology may result in an extra session charge.

  • You will be invoiced directly for swaps, usually in arrears.  Please pay any such ad-hoc invoice promptly. 

To request a swap please email remembering to say it is a swap you are requesting, with both from and to which dates. 
i.e. from - which date not attending; to - which date attending extra and for which child(ren)
We will reply confirming if we can accommodate the swap or not. 

You do need to send a request for a swap in advance, the earlier the better. 

Please note: confirmation of acceptance of a swap will concentration only on the question "does the room have space to accommodate your child on the day(s) requested".  It will not undertake to verify if a swap is legitimate.  If the extra attendance does not conform to the rules above you may be charged for the extra, instead of a swap. 

If you cannot avail yourself of a swap, you are welcome to ask for an extra, or extended, session.  Again, we will accommodate your request if we can and the extra, or extended, session will be invoiced. 

Where the absence has been caused by illness, Small World will consider a swap up to two weeks after the absence. 

More helpful information about Fees, Standing orders and Accounts is published here